Once Adrenaline Rush is maxed, players get the choice of Heightened or Hardened Adrenaline Rush. Heightened slows down time by 70%. Hardened slows it down by 50%, but players take 50% less damage while it is active. The choice is one of play-style. Long-range players will probably like Heightened because it allows them to line up the perfect shot. Close fighters will like Hardened because the damage reduction is invaluable when going toe-to-toe with shotgun in hand.

Concussive Shot

This shot fires a single powerful round which can knock down and stun enemies. It is more useful for short and mid-range fighters than long-range ones. Those who use shotguns a lot will probably love it. Each upgrade increases the force (in newtons) and damage. When fully upgraded, the player can pick Heavy Shot or Blast. The difference is that Heavy Shot does a lot of damage against one opponent while Blast is an AOE attack. They’re both useful, so take your pick. Note that it can’t be used on targets that still have shields or barriers up.

Both Concussive Shot and Andrenaline Rush can get you out of a bad situation if an enemy has gotten closer than you would like and you need to knock them out and find more suitable cover.

Combat Mastery

Combat Mastery is a straight-up buff of health, damage, and storm speed. It is important to level up, although players can use their own discretion. Players who find their Soldier too fragile will want to rank Combat Mastery more aggressively than those who don’t. On my own Soldier I ranked this up to maximum second after Adrenaline Rush, but I fight in close quarters often so the health boost and storm speed boosts are more important to me than to players who fight at long ranges.

At max rank players can pick the Commando or Shock Trooper routes. To be frank, the differences between them are so minor that you’ll be hard pressed to notice.

Commandos gain:

30% health

15% damage

50% storm speed

70% paragon/renegade bonus

15% power damage.

Shock Troopers gain:

40% health

9% weapon damage

40% storm speed

100% paragon/renegade bonus

15% power duration.

In other words, Commandos are a little more focused on damage, and Shock Troopers a little more focused on defense, but the difference is small and will not force your Soldier into a particular play style.

Disruptor Ammo

This ammo buff increases weapon damage against shields and against synthetic enemies. There is also said to be a small chance of temporarily disabling synthetic enemies or overheating enemies. The chance must be very small, or the result not very pronounced, because I have yet to notice those effects. In spite of that, Disruptor Ammo is probably the one players should rank up in first, as there are many synthetic enemies in the game.

In addition to the sythetics, many biological enemies use sheilds, so Disruptor Ammo is valuable against quite a few targets in the game. Rank 1 adds 20% damage, Rank 2 adds 30%, and rank 3 adds 40%. When maxed players can pick Heavy or Squad Disruptor ammo. Heavy increases Shepard’s damage bonus to 60%, while Squad adds the 40% to the entire squad. Of the two I think Heavy is far superior since Soldiers do far more weapons damage against opponents than other squad members. Particulary if you are bringing tech or biotic heavy party members along to balance your weakspots as a soldier.

Incendiary Ammo

This ammo buff sets your enemies on fire! This stops health regeneration (perfect for dealing with Krogan and Vorcha), does damage over time, and does extra damage to armor. It also adds some damage against most non-synthetic targets. The damage scales in the same way as the damage bonus for Disruptor Ammo. Synthetic enemies are actually resistant to this damage, so don’t use Incendiary ammo against them.

When ranked to max, players can pick from Inferno or Squad Incendiary Ammo. This works exactly like the max rank options for Disruptor Ammo, and my recommendation remains the same – forget the squad option and go for Inferno instead.

Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Change Class

Cryo Ammo

This ammunition has a chance to freeze enemies. The chance seems to be fairly high. Frozen enemies can’t move and can be shattered by heavy damage for an instant kill. If this all sounds pretty handy, that’s because it is, but it also doesn’t give the damage bonuses which Disruptor and Incendiary do. Because of that, I find it hard to recommend Cryo until the other two ammo types have been ranked to max.

Incresing the rank of Cryo Ammo increases duration of the freeze effect should it occur. At max rank players have the same choice as with the other ammo types. Players can pick Improved, which increases duration of a freeze effect caused by Shepard only, or Squad, which gives everyone Cryo Ammo. Unlike the other ammos, however, Squad Cryo is actually the better choice. More Cryo Ammo bullets in the air means more chances to freeze enemies.

This post is part of the series: Mass Effect 2 Character Guide

Mass Effect 2 includes large cast of characters. This character guide will help you decide which characters to bring with you on missions and which to leave behind.

A new or an imported character?

You'll have to decide whether you want to import an old character or create a one at the beginning of the game. I would strongly recommend importing Shepard from Mass Effect 1 as long as you've played the previous game and didn't forget about leaving the saves intact. Using an old hero will allow you to easily transfer all the decisions you've made to Mass Effect 2, including the most important ones (what happened to the Council, Wrex and Ashley/Kaidan).
Important! If you're playing as an imported character you'll also have a chance to change Shepard's looks and the main character's class. The only thing left intact will be your choices!
You don't have to remember your previous choices, because you're going to be reminded of them at the beginning of the game.
Thankfully even if you decide to create an entirely new character you won't miss out on any major things. You'll still take part in an interesting journey and you won't have to worry about some of the quests being unavailable. You should also know that you'll have a chance to influence some of the things from your past by answering questions during your trip to the Lazarus station (prologue).
Starting a game with a new hero:
If you've decided to create a new character for the purpose of Mass Effect 2 you'll have to confirm that you want to start a new game and then you'll have to choose a gender. Don't be fooled by not being able to choose character's class and other things, because you'll be allowed to do this after completing a very short introduction on board of the Normandy.
Main menu of the game offers three options - creating a new hero (male or female), importing a character from Mass Effect 1 and importing a character from Mass Effect 2 (only if you've already finished it).
If you've already completed the game you'll also have a chance to import a character from Mass Effect 2. Naturally this is not mandatory - you can ignore this choice and start again by creating another unique hero.
Starting a game with an imported hero:
If you've decided to import an old character from Mass Effect 1 and all you see is a blank window then you'll probably have to tell the game where to look for the saved games.
Here's a complete solution to what needs to be done:
1) Exit the game and eject the DVD from the tray.
2) Insert the game to your DVD again, wait for an autostart window to appear on the screen and choose Configure from the list.
3) Choose Saved Games - it's the last option in the upper left column. Click on a large button to begin the process of searching for saved games from Mass Effect 1.
4) You must now locate a folder with your saved games. Assuming you're using default settings you'll find them on the system partition:
Windows XP - C:Documents and Settingsuser_nameMy documentsBioWareMass EffectSave
Windows Vista and Windows 7 - C:Usersuser_nameDocumentsBioWareMass EffectSave
5) Click on the OK button (you won't have to select single files - only an entire catalogue). Close the configurator and don't forget to confirm that you want to save the changes you've made.
6) You may start the game again and this time you should notice that Shepard has appeared on the list (after choosing to import a character).
You must click on the button located in the main window to start searching for the saved games. Locate a folder named Save and click on the OK button.
Additional information:
- Even if you decide to import a character from Mass Effect 1 you'll still be forced to start the development process from scratch. This means you won't be allowed to begin the game as a high-leveled hero and you won't be given access to your previous skills and equipment.
- You may receive an experience points bonus depending on the character level of your old Shepard. You can receive up to 4000 experience points (if your old character has achieved the 60th experience level).
- You may also receive other bonuses depending on the character level of your old Shepard. By other bonuses I mean credits (150000 credits if you were on the 60th level plus an additional bonus if you were rich) and minerals (10000 units of each mineral if you were on the 60th level).

Creating a hero

Choosing a difficulty level:
Mass Effect 2 is a much easier game than Mass Effect 1. I wouldn't recommend choosing a default difficulty setting (Soldier) unless you're a rookie player. Winning most of the battles on this setting is going to be very easy. Real challenges can be expected only later the game and only while completing primary missions. If you're a more experienced player you should choose between two higher difficulty settings - Veteran and Hardcore. I wouldn't recommend choosing the highest Insanity level if this your first playthrough. Instead you should listen to what the game is saying and finish the campaign on a lower difficulty level first.
All of the remaining fields should be left intact, especially the one allowing your teammates to think and use powers on their own.
Important! You'll be allowed to make other choices AFTER completing a very short introduction (rescuing Joker on board of the old Normandy + several cut-scenes)!
Character creator:
The most important decision you'll have to make before you officially start the game is to choose a character class. You should know that you won't be allowed to skip this step even if you're using an imported character, because all the classes are brand new. Mass Effect 2 gives you a choice of six major classes and you can become:
- A soldier (Combat specialist)
- An infiltrator (Combat/tech specialist)
- A vanguard (Combat/biotic specialist)
- A sentinel (Biotic/tech specialist)
- An adept (Biotic specialist)
- An engineer (Tech specialist)
You can finish the character creation process after completing a short introduction on board of the old Normandy.
All the classes ale generally well balanced, however if you're a less experienced gamer then you should consider choosing a partial or a full combat specialist. Doing this will allow you to use several types of weapons. A combat specialist also has to pay less attention to using powers and taking good sidekicks for certain missions. My two candidates are a soldier (he can use many types of guns and slow down time) and a vanguard (awesome biotic attack named Charge). If you're planning on choosing one of the other classes you'll have to rely on your biotic and tech abilities, not your firepower. I think that biotic classes are the easier ones to master (preferably full biotic specialists - adepts), because a lot of enemies are resistant to tech powers. You can find more information about each class from the next section of this chapter - Character classes and powers.
Other decisions:
The next step is the biography (only if you've chosen a new character) and your choices here will result in earning your first paragon or renegade points (you can find out more about them from the Morality section). Choosing that Shepard is Earthborn will result in receiving paragon points, choosing that Shepard was born in space will result in receiving renegade points and choosing that he's a colonist will result in receiving a little of both.
Same rules apply to Shepard's psychological profile (this step is also reserved only for new characters). Choosing a war hero will get you paragon points, choosing a ruthless person will get you renegade points and choosing a survivalist will result in receiving a little of both.
The last step is to choose a special power, however this only applies to a situation if you've already finished the game and you're starting a new playthrough. Otherwise this step will be skipped. You can find out more about the special powers from the Unlocking special powers section of the guide.
Ever since the first game, Mass Effect has always been about shaping the story the way the player wants it. Through Shepard's actions, players could create millions upon millions of iterations of the same universe. We decided to take a look back at the series—specifically, on some of the decisions our Shepards had to make on the way to becoming the galaxy's most badass warrior. Caution: A huge amount of spoilers for all three games follow.
Note: This article assumes that every squad member was present, loyal, and survived in Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 1

Shepard's Service History

Before the story starts, two things must be determined. Shepard's background:
and psychological profile:
These choices confer unique missions, bonuses to Paragon or Renegade points, and extra conversation options.

Shepard's Morality

Mass Effect 2 How To Change Class
Through the player's choices, Shepard can become a shining example of the best of humanity, a compassionate, heroic Paragon. Or, Shepard can be a brutal, calculating Renegade who stops at nothing to get the job done.

Noveria: Administrator Anoleis

Searching for Saren on Noveria, Shepard lands the Normandy in Port Hanshan. The place is in lockdown due to bad weather, on Administrator Anoleis' orders. Shepard need to grab a garage pass before they can follow Saren. There are several ways to do this:

Noveria: The Rachni Queen

On Peak 15, Binary Helix, a corporation controlled in part by Saren, has been cloning Rachni, a long-disappeared race of deadly insectoids. Saren plans to use the cloned Rachni as soldiers. Their queen can be found after dealing with Matriarch Benezia, Saren's assistant. The queen can either be destroyed outright, or let go.

Feros: Zhu's Hope

Shepard arrives on Feros, looking to investigate why Saren sent Geth to attack the planet.

Bring Down the Sky: Balak

A group of batarian terrorist hijacked an asteroid, and are trying to crash it into the human colony world of Terra Nova. Their leader, Balak, when confronted, offers Shepard a choice: either let him go, or fight him at the cost of the lives of his hostages, whose cell he has booby-trapped with explosives.

Virmire: Wrex

Shepard travels to Virmire in search of a Salarian recon team who has information on Saren. Here, it is revealed that Saren has found a cure to the Krogan's artificial genetic disease, the Genophage, and is using it to breed an army of Krogan. They agree that the cure needs to be destroyed, but Wrex, Shepard's Krogan squadmate, is furious at this. He can be convinced to follow Shepard into battle; otherwise, he has to be killed.

Virmire: Ashley or Kaidan

Shepard and the crew plant a bomb in Saren's facility to destroy it. Squadmates Kaidan and Ashley play important roles here: one of them leads the Salarian recon team, while the other arms the bomb. The Geth begin to overwhelm the two groups, and Shepard needs to decide whether to save Ashley or Kaidan. The one left behind dies in the bomb blast.

Saving the Council

In the battle for the Citadel at the end of the game, the fleet's flagship, the Destiny Ascension, with the Citadel Council on board, gets under a lot of fire from the Geth attackers. Shepard can order the fleet to assist the Destiny Ascension, saving both the ship and the council. Alternatively, the fleet can be ordered to focus on the Reaper leading the Geth, Sovereign, in which case the council is lost.

The New Council

Depending on whether the council survives the battle, there are two outcomes:

Mass Effect 2


Shepard heads to the human colony of Freedom's Progress to find out what happened to its inhabitants, who suddenly disappeared. They are met with resistance from the colony's mech defense force. Veetor, a Quarian, who gave the mechs the command to attack because he feared for his life, is confronted at the end of the mission. He can be sent back to the Migrant Fleet to recover, or shipped off to Cerberus for interrogation.

Loyalty: Mordin

Mordin has to head to Tuchanka, the Krogan homeworld, to rescue a former colleague of his, Maelon, with whom he has worked on the Genophage. There, he discovers that the mercenaries who took him didn't actually take him; he agreed to work with them on a cure, out of guilt for what he's unleashed with the Genophage.

Loyalty: Jacob

Jacob receives word of a distress call originating from the planet Aeia, where the ship his father, Ronald Taylor, served on crash-landed. While exploring the crash site, Shepard and Jacob discover that at one point, the ship's officers and crew were divided into two groups, with the officers hoarding all the food. The crew had to survive on the toxic plantlife, which eventually rendered them either amnesic or insane. Ronald, the only officer left, ruled over the survivors using the remaining mechs. Eventually, Shepard and Jacob confront him.

Loyalty: Miranda

Miranda's father is planning to kidnap her sister, Oriana, and she asks for Shepard's help with getting rid of her kidnappers. They ultimately succeed, and Oriana can continue her life—albeit without knowing who helped her. Miranda can be convinced to give up the facade and reveal herself to her.

Loyalty: Jack

Jack travels to Pragia, where she was experimented on by Cerberus as a little girl. There, they find Aresh, a fellow survivor of the experiments who plans to restart the facility. Shepard can convince Jack to let Aresh go, or order her to kill him.

Loyalty: Garrus

Garrus finds out that Sidonis, the man who betrayed him and got his team killed on Omega, is on the Citadel. He asks Shepard to help lure him out and kill him. Before he actually pulls the trigger, Shepard can convince Garrus to let Sidonis go instead.

Loyalty: Samara

Samara asks for Shepard's help with tracking down her Ardat-Yakshi daughter, Morinth. Since Ardat-Yakshi are essentially vampires, and huge dangers to society, she needs to hunt her down and kill her. Eventually, Samara and Shepard confront Morinth. Shepard can decide to help Morinth, which results in Samara's death. In this case, Morinth gets to join the Normandy's crew, posing as Samara. Otherwise, Samara kills Morinth, making the mission a success.

Loyalty: Tali

Tali has been sending Geth components to his father for research purposes. Unfortunately, the Geth awaken and slaughter the research team, along with Tali's father. Tali gets charged with treason for smuggling Geth into the Quarian fleet. To clear her name, Shepard and Tali search the research ship, and find evidence that can prove Tali didn't do anything wrong, but would condemn her father. Shepard and Tali meet the Admiralty Board shortly after to discuss the charges.

Loyalty: Legion

Legion tells Shepard that the Geth heretics, a faction of Geth fought in Mass Effect 1, are trying to convert the other Geth to the Reaper cause by unleashing a virus into the collective from a space station. Eventually, the virus is stopped—at that point, Shepard needs to decide to either rewrite the heretics' behavior to strengthen and unify the Geth, or destroy the station, and the heretics with it.

Loyalty: Zaeed

Zaeed's mission takes him and Shepard to a refinery on Zorya, which has to be liberated from Blue Suns, a group of mercs Zaeed has co-founded. While there, they find Vido Santiago, long-time rival to Zaeed and the other co-founder of the Blue Suns. The two get in a gunfight, with Zaeed shooting a gas pipe and unleashing an explosion, injuring Vido. This starts a chain reaction which threatens to destroy the refinery and kill its workers.

Loyalty: Kasumi

Kasumi goto asks for Shepard's help with retrieving something from Donovan Hock, an arms dealer who's killed her partner, Keiji. The object in question is a greybox, which stores Keiji's memories. After finding and examining it, Shepard and Kasumi discover that there is a lot of sensitive information within which, if found, could be very dangerous in the wrong hands. However, Kasumi is reluctant to destroy the greybox due to her ties with Keiji. Shepard can convince her to either destroy or keep it.
Mass Effect 2 How To Change Class

Overlord: David Archer

Shepard and the Normandy's crew are sent to investigate a Cerberus station which has ceased all communications with the outside world. There, they find that David Archer, the autistic brother of one of the researchers, Gavin Archer, has been merged with a Virtual Intelligence program designed to control Geth. The VI program goes rogue and the Geth control group begins destroying the station. Shepard eventually finds David deep within the laboratory, hooked up to painful-looking machinery, with his brother watching over him.

Confrontation: Jack Vs. Miranda

At one point, Jack will get into an argument with Miranda, who refuses to admit that what Cerberus did to Jack when she was a child was wrong. Shepard can take sides, telling either of them to back off, although this will cause the one in question to become disloyal. Shepard can also convince them both to put aside their differences for the mission.

Confrontation: Legion Vs. Tali

Like Jack and Miranda, Legion and Tali also have a fight. Tali finds Legion accessing her omni-tool and trying to send Quarian data to the Geth. Legion insists that he's doing this only to help keep his people safe. Again, Shepard can tell one to back off and leave the other alone, or make peace between the two—in this case, Legion agrees not to send any sensitive data to the Geth, and Tali decides to help him.

Saving the Normandy's Crew

While Shepard is away on a mission, the Normandy comes under attack from a Collector cruiser, and her crew, save for Joker, is taken. Shepard has to decide whether to go after them immediately, or delay and do a few more missions first. Doing more than one mission after the crew's abduction results in the death of either several, or all crew members (save for a sole survivor, Doctor Chakwas).

Choosing the Team

Throughout the Suicide Mission through the Omega Relay, Shepard needs to assign squad mates to various tasks, to be carried out within and around the Collector Base. Some are better fit for biotics, others for natural leaders. Depending on how good a fit the chosen squad members are for their particular tasks, they can either survive or be killed in action. If things go wrong enough, even Shepard can die, which leaves Joker the only survivor of the mission.

Destroying the Collector Base

At the end of the final mission, Shepard is contacted by the Illusive man, who says the technology on the Collector Base could be used against the Reapers. Shepard has to decide whether to keep the Base, merely setting off a radiation pulse to kill the Collectors, or destroy it.

Mass Effect 3

Diana Allers

On Shepard's first visit to the Citadel after the Reaper attack on Earth, they're approached by Alliance News Network correspondent Diana Allers. She wants to join the Normandy's crew to report from the front lines of the Reaper war. Should Shepard say yes, she will move onto the Normandy and will occasionally interview crew members (and Shepard). Otherwise, she joins another ship.

Jack's Students

Shepard investigates Grissom Academy after finding out that they're under Cerberus' attack. After evacuating the students, Shepard can decide where to send Jack, who works as an instructor there, and her class. They can be used as support for other troops, which is safe, or sent off to the front lines to fight, which is considerably more dangerous.

The Rachni Queen

A Krogan team has gone missing, and Shepard is tasked with finding it. They are found on the planet Utukku, under attack by Reaper-controlled Rachni. Grunt, the Krogan squad mate from the second game, is leading them. Shepard and the Krogan fight their way to the source of the Rachni, the Rachni Queen. Shepard has to choose between saving the Rachni Queen by sacrificing the Krogan team, or leaving the Queen to die and rescuing the Krogan team instead.

Samara's Fate

Shepard searches for a vanished Asari commando unit who went to answer a distress call from an Ardat-Yakshi monastery. There, Shepard finds Samara, who is searching for her two other Ardat-Yakshi daughters, Rila and Falere. Rila ultimately stays behind to detonate a bomb left behind by the commando unit to destroy the monastery, which is now filled with Reaper-indoctrinated Ardat-Yakshi. Shepard, Samara and Falere manage to escape—however, Samara's Justicar code disallows her from letting Ardat-Yakshi run free. Because she would have to kill her own innocent daughter, she resolves to commit suicide.

The Volus Fleet

Shepard is asked to investigate Din Korlack, the Citadel's Volus ambassador, for ties to Cerberus. He is found captured by a group of bounty hunters, Zaeed Massani among them. Shepard and Zaeed rescue Korlack, who tells them that Cerberus plans to attack a Turian colony. He refuses to reveal which one, however, afraid that Cerberus will find him. Instead, he offers the support of the Volus fleet against the Reapers. Shepard can either ask for the fleet, or insist on getting the colony's location. If Shepard is persuasive enough, both the location of the colony and the fleet's support can be gained.

Omega: The Reactor

Shepard and Aria T'Loak head to Omega to free it from Cerberus control. There, they join up with Nyreen Kandros, leader of a local rebel gang. While on their way to confront General Oleg Petrovsky, the local Cerberus leader, the trio gets trapped under a force field. Shepard manages to escape, and reaches Omega's reactor. Here, Shepard has to choose whether to immediately kill the power, freeing Nyreen and Aria instantly but putting thousands of civilians in danger by turning off life support, or slowly reroute the power, putting Aria and Nyreen under heavy fire. Ultimately, either choice leads to the two surviving.

Omega: General Petrovsky

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There are several ways to deal with General Oleg Petrovsky. Shepard can convince Aria to let him live, which results in him getting taken away for interrogation. Shepard can also let Aria have the general, who gives him a slow, painful death. Alternatively, Shepard can shoot Petrovsky in the head.

Krogan Vs. Salarian

Before taking on the mission to supply the cure to the Genophage to the Krogan, Shepard is approached by the Salarian Dalatrass. She reveals that the Shroud, the facility used to disperse the cure, has been sabotaged by the Salarians to prevent a cure from being distributed. She offers her co-operation in the war effort in return for Shepard making sure the sabotage remains hidden.
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Geth Vs. Quarian

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Shepard's orders take him to the Perseus Veil, to help the Quarian Migrant Fleet fight against the Reaper-controlled Geth forces. Eventually, Shepard finds Legion on the Geth flagship, who is being used to transmit the Reaper signal to the Geth against his will. After purging the Reaper code from the Geth collective and destroying the Reaper base on Rannoch, the Quarian homeworld, Legion tells Shepard that he plans to apply his own version of the Reaper code to the Geth, in an effort to achieve true intelligence. Tali is very much against this.

Citadel: Brooks

While on the Citadel on shore leave, Shepard is targeted by ex-Cerberus agent Maya Brooks, who tries to use a Cerberus-created clone of Shepard to gain control of the Normandy and use her and her crew to her own purposes. She fails, and is set to be taken away to prison. Naturally, she tries to escape. Shepard has two choices: talking her into going to prison peacefully, or killing her.

Citadel: Party Theme

Shepard's shore leave concludes with a huge party. After sending out the invitations, Glyph, Liara's personal assistant AI who's organizing the event, asks what type of party Shepard would like to throw. A Quiet party will be more conversation-based, while an Energetic party will be more wild.

Control, Synthesis, Destruction, Refusal

At the end of the third game, on the Citadel, Shepard meets the Catalyst, the AI in control of the Reapers. It says that Shepard is the first organic to ever be able to reach it, which means it has to rethink its solution to the chaos of organic life: wiping out organics and saving them in Reaper form, each time galactic civilization reaches its peak. However, he cannot make any changes without Shepard's help. There are four ways to continue:
Over to you, folks. Do you still remember how your actions shaped the Mass Effect universe? What are your most treasured memories? We'd love to hear from you in the comments.
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With the release of the final piece of DLC, the Mass Effect trilogy has finally concluded. And so we've decided to spend a week taking a look back: It's Mass Effect Week at Kotaku. All week long, we'll be revisiting the last five and a half years of galaxy-saving heroism, cross-species romance, and awkward dancing with new articles and some classics from years past. You can follow along here.